Depression is one of the most common of psychological disorders. At any given time, approximately 5% of adults are experiencing a depressive Disorder. (World Health Organization, 2021) .Sometimes depression is a clear reaction to a particular event or circumstance. At other times its cause or causes are unclear. There are also different type of depression, distinguished by their pattern and severity.  But, regardless of these things,  depression, like physical pain, is a sign that something  in our lives or in ourselves in need of healing.

The treatment usually begins with counseling but may also involve the use of medication, with the physician and psychologist working in collaboration. Counseling helps people understand and address the causes of their depression, address depressive patterns, and make the changes they need to restore well-being and prevent relapse. When used in conjunction, medication provides symptom relief and because they are feeling better, helps clients work more effectively towards recovery.

Depression is a perfect example of the ‘mind/ body’.

That’s right, not two entities but one, as inseparable in function as heart and lungs, which is why depression affects us physically and intellectually as well emotionally and behaviorally. Symptoms include:

  • Low energy, fatigue, lethargy, loss of motivation.
  • Insomnia, interrupted sleep, or the urge to sleep excessively.
  • Loss of sex drive.
  • Changes in appetite, either loss of appetite or over eating.
  • Loss of interest in and/or inability to enjoy previously pleasurable activities and relationships.
  • Low mood, feelings of sadness and helplessness.
  • Irritability and anger
  • Difficulty concentrating, thinking clearly, or making decisions.
  • Excessive and/or inappropriate feelings of guilt shame, worthlessness, inadequacy.
  • Self-criticism and negativity., a tendency to focus on the negative, fail to see the positive.
  • Thoughts of death.